Project Description 

The project aims to address the challenges faced by studends with special educational needs in accessing employment opportunities and becoming independent, productive members of society. The project's objectives align with the priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme, particularly focusing on vocational education and training (VET) and equal access to the labor market. 

Key Objectives: 


Project coordinator:


“Be aware of me” - 06-08/03/2024 

During our stay in Turkey, we had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the functioning of the country's education system. We also participated in engaging workshops, where we shared our experiences and exchanged best practices in integrating individuals with diverse educational needs into social life and supporting their employment in the open labor market.

One of the key points of the program was visiting the Employment Office, where we learned about the stages of support offered to individuals with special educational needs. Additionally, we had the opportunity to visit a restaurant that employs individuals with diverse needs, which served as an inspiring example of social integration.

There was also time to explore the culture, visit landmarks and taste traditional Turkish dishes.

Next meetings:

05-07/06/2024 “I’m Useful With What I Now” -  Greece, Kavala (Eidiko Epaggelmatiko Gymnasio Kavalas) 

18-20/09/2024 “Let’s Work Together” - Portugal, Seixal  (Escola Secundária Dr. José Afonso) 

25-27/03/2025 “My Story” - Poland, Rybnik (Zespół Szkół nr 6 w Rybniku) 

05-07/06/2025 “The Best For Me” - Romania, Bals (Scoala Profesionala Speciala Bals) 

Social media:


Special Colors of Life

Project number:  2023-1-EL01-KA210-VET-000159236